Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Death Penalty Discussion Essay - 948 Words

The Death Penalty Discussion In today’s world terrible crimes are being committed daily. Many people believe that these criminals deserve one fate; death. Death penalty is the maximum sentence used in punishing people who kill another human being and is a very controversial method of punishment. Capital punishment is a legal infliction of death penalty and since ancient times it has bee used to punish a large variety of offences. Criminals convicted of murder or rape need to be executed because they are danger to society and the human race. Other people still argue that one method of execution is just as brutal as the next. The common sense argument that death is the best deterrent of crime†¦show more content†¦Society and its mixed feelings towards the death penalty; capital punishment is such a harsh and uncivilised way of treating criminals, but do they look at how the criminals are acting towards ending other human beings life. They do not care about the lives they have destroyed, or, the families of their victims. The death penalty can never bring back loved ones back to their families. It seems rationally to think that if potential killers are aware that if they commit serious crimes they would be put to death for it, they are less likely to commit these crimes again. The concept of retribution and justice should bestow to society. This is imperative for peace to be maintained and that justice is served. If criminals were allowed to get away with such a serious crime as taking a humans life fear and chaos would rule. Sentence for life in prison will not be substantial enough. The government must be trusted to protect its innocent citizens from further crimes. A vast conception concerning death penalty is that it saves society the costs of keeping inmates imprisoned for long periods. In the act of preserving due process of justice, the court appeals involved with the death penalty becomes a long, drawn out and a long expensive process. Does it save its purpose? Does executing someone for crimes such as rape, murder, adultery, homosexual behaviour, and prostitution actually preventShow MoreRelatedA Brief Discussion on the Death Penalty517 Words   |  2 PagesThe death penalty has been an ongoing debate for a long period of time. There are many Americans who are for the death penalty and it seems just as many against it. Most do not believe that this country will ever come to an agreement on the subject. It is best that the government allows each state to decide how it will handle its criminals. In recent news, in the state of Oklahoma Clayton Lockett’s botched execution created a nationwide revisiting of the death penalty. 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